Looks like we are branching out!
The 350 year old oak tree at 76 Coral Gable Drive is being saved.
The tree issue ended up going to City council on Dec. 9 and council adopted the following: ”City Council direct the Director, Toronto Office of Partnerships, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Treasurer, to work with a third party organization to take responsibility to raise funds, maintain and help the City to acquire the 350 year old oak tree at 76 Coral Gable Drive for the purpose of a parkette, and to report back in the first quarter of 2016 on any actions required to assist the third party in undertaking the endeavour.”
So Council has directed Toronto Partnerships to work with third parties to try and buy the land at 76 Coral Gable drive and turn it into a parkette.
They will be reporting back sometime before March 2016.