The Emery Village Voice is proud to announce its first holiday trivia contest, with the first installment of the Christmas Trivia Contest.
How well do you know Christmas?
Well enough to master our questions?
Print out these questions on a sheet of paper, and mail in your written answers, or email them electronically to the addresses below.
The winner will be picked before the January edition of the Emery Village Voice goes to print, and those winners will have their names and winning entries printed in the first edition of the New Year.
Ties will be settled by a random draw, and entrants must be 19 years of age or older (but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your mom or dad to fill it out for you!)
Winners will receive one of two $100 gift certificates to Il Lupo Restaurant.
Submit answers to: Emery Village BIA, 1885 Wilson Avenue, Suite 209, Toronto, ON, M9M 1A2, or: emeryvillagebia.bellnet.ca.
1) What is the name of the ninth reindeer?
2) Name two of the gifts brought by the wise men?
3) Name one of the wise men?
4) How many times does Santa check his list?
5) On the 10th day of Christmas, your true love sends you what?
6) Dreaming of a White Christmas is dreaming of what?
7) Which star guided travellers to the manger?