Dear Resident,
I want to wish those celebrating Easter a happy holiday.
Please remember to celebrate significant dates with those you live with and connect with those outside your household by phone or online. Let's continue to prioritize current health and safety measures so that we can get through this together.
Happy spring. Remember to take needed time outdoors by going for walks or bike rides for fresh air in your neighbourhood.
Please maintain physical distancing and follow all public health measures. In honour of Earth Day on April 22, please visit: earthday.ca/events/ or, www.toronto.ca/ for virtual events and safe outdoor opportunities to connect with nature.
Vaccination updatesFor Provincially-Operated COVID-19 Immunization Clinics:Humber River Hospital's call centre for COVID-19 vaccination bookings is available. Please visit their website at: https://www.hrh.ca/covax-clinic-booking/
Use it to confirm if you are in the current high priority category and qualify to receive a vaccine. If you meet current requirements, you can schedule your appointment by calling their COVID-19 Call Centre at:
The call centre is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.
Please visit the Province's COVID-19 website for other hospital details and pharmacy locations providing immunization clinics and various supports:
For city-operated COVID-19 immunization clinics:Toronto Public Health has launched more city-operated clinics to serve priority populations. This information is being updated consistently. Please visit the city's website to confirm the current locations nearest you:
www.toronto.caThe City of Toronto will continue to circulate details about the evolving provincial guidelines specific to our region and vaccination updates specific to our city.
For regular updates, please follow me on Facebook @AnthonyPerruzza, Twitter @PerruzzaTO, Instagram @Perruzza_TO,
or subscribe to my regular e-newsletter updates online by visiting my website:
Anthony Perruzza
City Councillor, Ward 7
Humber River - Black Creek