Trustee Tiffany Ford’s Youth Council
By Tiffany Ford
On Thursday, April 20, the second meeting of the first-ever youth advisory council had its follow-up meeting at Toronto District School Board’s headquarters’ boardroom. The youth council comprises 24 students from our local York West high schools including, Westview Centennial Secondary School, C.W. Jefferys and Emery Collegiate Institute. I’ve created a youth council to advise staff and I on issues affecting our students and also to empower student advocacy. Most importantly, I felt it necessary for our local high schools to be unified and have a collective impact on change. In their own words, students provided vital information on school facilities issues, programs and general community concerns.
The TDSB’s central staff members including facilities managers, superintendents and the Director of Education heard from students directly. The first youth council meeting took place on Feb.16. During that first initial meeting, students brought their concerns on the state of their school washrooms, lockers and windows. As a direct result of student advocacy and the creation of a youth council, I’m pleased to announce the following school upgrades and work has been approved within 30 days and has begun.
Emery C.I.:1. Roof replacement
2. Plumbing fixtures upgrades
3. Painting interior
4. Replace rusted exit doors and frames
5. Locker replacement
6. New toilet seats
Westview C.S.S:1. Roof replacement
2. Locker replacement where required
3. New toilet seats
4. New locks on bathroom stalls
5. New bathroom sink fixtures
6. Fire alarm system replacement
7. Auto shop tailpipe exhaust
C.W. Jefferys:1. Plumbing fixture upgrades
2. Windows replacement
3. Roof replacement
4. Pool wall restoration
5. Water leakage repairs
6. New toilet seats