The start of a new year always marks a great time to create a resolution. Assessing and reflecting on the past accounts how far a person has come, and shows how much further they have to go in order to make their goals a reality. Some of the most popular personal New Year’s resolutions are goals to get fit/healthy, travel more, quit smoking and save money. Personal goals are not the only types of resolutions that are popular, many entrepreneurs set business oriented goals for the upcoming year as well. As there are many small business owners in the community of Emery Village there are various goals dependent upon the state of their business at the beginning of the year. Despite the variances there are some universal goals listed by Forbes Business magazine that can aid the growth of any business.
1. Create a personal vision of successCreating a personal vision requires you to stand back and think about what you are trying to provide the community with your company. Think about what your mission statement is – every reputable company has one. For example the mission statement for Cineplex Entertainment is, “Passionately delivering an exceptional entertainment experience.”
Keeping a mission statement in mind will always anchor you to a firm foundation for your business and give you purpose. At times of stress and anxiety reading the mission statement you build will help motivate you to go forward.
2. Create a strategic PlanA strategic plan will help with shifting responsibilities around the work place. A recent study discovered 82% of entrepreneurs put in an excess of 40 hours a week. Yes, it is undeniably important for the owner to be present when making those tough decisions or to teach their employees how they want things done. But many of those extra hours are put in through small dosses, where an employer is unwilling to let their employees go. Creating a strategic plan means laying out expectations from your employees, and giving them simple tasks that they can complete. Putting a plan in place will definitely help shave a few hours off your workweek.
3. Always show customer appreciationThe customer isn’t always right, but as a business owner you have the responsibility to let them be wrong with dignity. This will ensure that a client returns to your business, because loosing clients will develop a bad reputation. As a small business it is difficult to big throw customer appreciation parties, create loyalty programs or simply give away free items. What you can do instead is acknowledge when a loyal customer comes through your door. Make them feel special, and give them a personalized thank you card, letting them know that they are valued and you don’t take them for granted. This will propel the customer to tell their friends about your amazing gesture, hopefully resulting in more clients.
Developing a business from the ground up takes a lot of patience, blood sweat and tears. An entrepreneur gives their business a piece of their heart and these three goals are meant to help keep that heart healthy and become more powerful.