By Sean Delaney
Keeping a community safe takes help from many people and organizations.
On Aug.16th, the Emery Village Voice attend another CPLC (Community Policing Liaison Committee) meeting at 31 Division headquarters. The CPLC’s goal is to foster direct discussions with senior Toronto policing officers within the community and deal primarily with issues of crime, crime prevention and programs. Discussions along with the Q and A time are productive and comprehensive. The senior officers of 31 Division speak with depth and detail about the community statistics, and all this under the expert watch of the Division leader, Inspector Colin Greenaway
The meeting featured a follow up to the ongoing creation of a Neighbourhood Watch program in the Humberlea area.
At the inaugural Humberlea Community Watch meeting that took place on June 31, Division Inspector Greenaway, Officer Jennifer Rae of Crime Prevention and Community Relations, and Councillor Mammoliti answered questions on everything from illegal dumping, traffic and speeding, to homeless squatters, suspected drug or crack houses and late night parties on public property.
Mammoliti reported that a lot of work dealing with these concerns has been completed in just a short time.
City officials have been out cutting back bushes to make sidewalks safer at night. Plans are underway for improved lighting and a crack house/illegal rooming house was raided and charges were laid. Homeless shelters at the south end of Humberlea have been disassembled twice and other work is ongoing.
Understand that keeping a community safe is a team effort. So consider getting involved.
Make a plan to come out to your next local CPLC meeting. Keep your eyes and ears open to any seemingly suspicious activities. Call and report them to 31 Division.