By Sean Delaney
I was most fortunate to be invited once again to enjoy a wonderful lunch with some of our great seniors in Emery Village. I also had the privilege of chatting with our Federal MP, the Honorable Judy Segro for an extended time.
It was at the sixth annual North Islington Seniors Club Christmas luncheon on Dec. 10th at the St.Roch’s Parish Community Centre.
More than 200 members attended the event and were tantalized to a very tasty seven course meal.
Everyone was decked out in their finest and truly enjoyed the festivities that included a live D.J. along with local trumpeter Vittorio Mazzuca playing many of our favorite Christmas carols. None of it would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Club’s Executive Committee including President Rocco Giovanni, Vice President Dominic Carlucci, Treasurer Petro Santi and Secretary Joe Abrruzzino.
We wish Health and happiness to the entire senior’s club members for 2017.