Businesses don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan
In last month’s edition of the Emery Village Voice, Sean Delaney spoke of the opportunities that come from making New Year’s resolutions.
Think back to your resolutions from last January.
Did you follow through?
Do you even remember what they were? How many of us were tempted to make more resolutions this year?
As we all know in December we end up reflecting on our personal goals, accomplishments, and failures to come up with a set of New Year resolutions. Yet many will abandon their resolutions early in the year, and at best achieve moderate success on the remaining ones.
As a business owner myself, I put countless hours of thought into top line, bottom line, and everything in between.
The dawn of a new year provides me the perfect opportunity to reflect on the things I have done, the goals that I have accomplished, and most importantly the challenges I was left to navigate.
I would love to say that I can reflect without bias, but this is also something that we know to be true. True reflection needs an objective voice. It’s about S.M.A.R.T.
This little acronym makes sense.
Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant- Time-bound
Having someone to be accountable to can also make a huge difference. Which is important to us as our businesses are our way of life.
Yet so many of the clients I have had the fortune to work with operate without a written plan, and even fewer share that plan with a qualified professional.
The importance of a business plan, and more specifically, where you want to be now and in the future is clear to all business owners.
So how about you? What have you found to be the common reasons your strategic plans have either fallen short or just simply given way to other priorities? - No one wins alone.
It’s okay to ask for help
Winning with accountability is the solution to implement strategies that can help you achieve your goals.