By Sean Delaney

Emery was recently pummeled with a dumping of snow the likes of which have not been seen for many years.
The City of Toronto always tries its best to clear roads and sidewalks promptly but given the importance of removing abandoned cars and busses and getting our roads moving, sidewalks and other critical pedestrians walkways can see clearing delays.
And for many of our senior occupied residences, snow clearing for them can be an impossible task and, potentially life-saving. So quick thinking by TCDSB trustee Ida LiPreti led to some calls to local students asking if they could help a senior in the community dig out from the Monday snowstorm. Stepping up to help, three high school students, Jason DeFrancesco, Andrea Krykorka and Filippo Marcello. Their help also led to other residents in the community having their driveways cleared.
So to our three heroes, thank you!
On a positive note, the Emery Village Voice will dedicate monthly space to highlight local heroes.
If you know of someone who has gone up and beyond with community service, helping to make Emery a more excellent place to live, let us know. Send your information to: