December 2021

Another successful Emery Village food and toy drive
By Sean Delaney Putting a smile on a child’s face is important this time of year. Thankfully, more +

Councillor’s Corner - December 2021
Councillor’s Corner Dear Resident, As we start 2022, I want to share how important it is to more +
Federal Government announces new measures and funding for economic recovery given new COVID surge
By Al Ruggero The Federal Government announced an Economic and Fiscal Update on Dec.14, addressing more +

Kitchen24 never ceases to amaze, or let the needy down
By Sean Delaney Steve Kidron, the owner of Kitchen24, is feeding even more of Toronto. Recently, more +
TCDSB trustee on a 2021 to remember
By Sean Delaney We sat down with Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) trustee Ida Li more +

We need to learn from lessons of pandemic
By Sean Delaney Humber River – Black Creek MPP Tom Rakocevic reflected on the year about to be put more +

Yesterday and Today - December 2021
Yesterday and Today Emery’s original Hillman By Tim Lambrinos The recent Vanier Cup college more +

Councillor saw heart and effort from a caring community in 2021
By Sean Delaney Toronto City Councillor Anthony Perruzza, the representative for Humber River – more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director's Message - Dec 2021
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message As this year comes to an end, the Emery Village BIA more +

Judy Sgro wants a happier, healthier spring for Emery
By Sean Delaney Humber River – Black Creek MP Judy Sgro credited her staff and volunteers with more +

Luxor Homes continues with their award winning ways in home construction
Luxor Homes Corporation of 128 Millwick Drive has received top honours from Corporate Vision and more +

The Christmas spirit is alive and well in Emery
By Sean Delaney What happened to the Good Old Days? Over the decades, there seems to be a more +

Wild 2021 should lead to organized and prepared 2022, TDSB trustee
By Sean Delaney Toronto District School Board trustee Christopher Mammoliti was recently elected more +