February 2021

Aurora Importing wins sixth consecutive Top Choice award
By Sean Delaney For the sixth consecutive year, Aurora Importing & Distributing Limited has won the...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - Feb 2021
Dear Resident, With the current stay-at-home order in place, we need to try our best to prevent exp...read more +

Great Oak tree update
By Sean Delaney On November 26, 2020, Toronto City Council authorized the purchase of the property ...read more +

Keeping up the best cuts at Domenic’s
By Sean Delaney Domenic’s Quality Meats is a business built on the reputation of its owner. And tha...read more +

Public health roles and responsibilities
If 2020 brought us anything, it was a renewed relationship with our public health authorities. When ...read more +

Room for us to run
Contributed by Richelle Molaro – Humber Summit resident and dog owner The residents of Emery Villa...read more +

City getting prepared for vaccine rollout
By Sean Delaney According to the City of Toronto, COVID-19 immunization clinic staff are preparing...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director's Message - Feb 2021
The Province of Ontario has been in lockdown for the majority of February, and it is essential to ke...read more +

HRH mental health strategies during COVID-19
The year, 2020, has been one of uncertainty. As COVID-19 began to spread, causing worldwide restrict...read more +

Pandemic sees food bank usage soar, and Emery step up
By Sean Delaney The Weston Area Emergency Support (WAES) food bank has never seen a year like 2020....read more +

Publisher comment - Feb 2021
How are you? I hope your month is off to a great start. I’m feeling cautiously optimistic these d...read more +

What’s to come on Toronto’s Finch West LRT
Introducing the first light rail vehicle in 2021 By Sean Delaney We have an update on the expected...read more +