October 2024

60th anniversary for Woodview Park Library
By Sean Delaney Woodview Park Library had plenty to celebrate on September 28 as it marked its 60th...read more +

Celebrating 50 Years of Globe Meats Market
By Sean Delaney Globe Meats Market is celebrating its 50th anniversary. For half a century, thi...read more +

Correction and update on Bryden and Delwin’s journey
We previously featured Bryden and Delwin Selestien, two rising stars from Emery, but we missed inc...read more +

Emery celebrates 50 years of Alpha Oil
By Sean Delaney Emery Village is proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a local business su...read more +

Emery Village Voice honoured with community leaders award
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village Voice and I were honoured and humbled to receive the Community Le...read more +

Healthwise in Emery: November marks National Diabetes Month
Healthwise in Emery: November marks National Diabetes Month By Shelly Harris RN November is Nati...read more +

Humber Summit Library and Woodview Park Library - October 2024
www.torontopubliclibrary.ca...read more +

LRT Safety: Key tips for navigating new light rail transit
. By Shane Kalicharan Metrolinx editorial content advisor Putting safety first isn’t just a good ...read more +

Publisher’s comment - October 2024
Publisher’s comment Honouring the Brave: A Call to Remember on November 11th As Remembrance Day ap...read more +

Truth and Reconciliation at Woodview Park
By Staff Reporter On September 28th, Woodview Park Library opened its doors for an event leading ...read more +

A spooky good time in Toronto: Halloween fun and safety tips for the brave
By Shannon Delmarco Halloween weekend in Toronto promises a thrilling mix of spooky fun and scary d...read more +

Celebrating unity in Emery:
This November 1st, Canada marks another start of the exciting Hindu Heritage Month. It’s a time to r...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - October 2024
Dear Resident, I hope that you have all been enjoying the cool October air and display of colou...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - October 2024
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message November is quickly approaching, which provides us ...read more +

Going once, going twice, BID 416
By Sean Delaney BID 416 is a new option for shopping that can see consumers save an average of 70...read more +

Hoop Dreams: Building community a game at a time
By Sean Delaney At Hoop Dreams, it’s more than just basketball—it’s about bringing kids together, b...read more +

NAPA: Emery’s go-to for auto parts
By Sean Delaney If you’re a car enthusiast, DIY mechanic, or run an auto repair shop in Emery Villa...read more +

Superintendent Mandeep Mann: New leadership at 31 Division
By Sean Delaney Part1 The Emery Village Voice had the opportunity to sit down with new Superin...read more +

YNOT’s annual community awards: Celebrating youth
By Shannon Delmarco On October 5th, Liuna Local 183’s Gerry Gallagher Hall hosted the YNOT annual...read more +