November 2018
A sit down with councillor Anthony Perruzza
On Oct. 22, seasoned politician Anthony Perruzza defeated long-time incumbent Giorgio Mammoliti to more +

Call it Tree Love
By Maria Maiolo Sophia Maiolo was just six years old when she fell in love with a giant Red more +

Humberlea’s Fighting Community Champion
By Tim Lambrinos Every year, Nov. 11 is a day of remembrance in Canada. The day allows an more +
Remembrance Day in Emery Village
Dignitaries and families gather to honour those who served By Sean Delaney The sun shone more +

Sometimes, it's all in the Detailz
By Sean Delaney They say the right accessories can make an outfit. Well, the same can be said more +

The Future Looks Bright - Make Your Future
By Melissa Green Approximately 250 local students, employers, exhibitors, parents, more +

And the winner is?
Hendry Heating By Sean Delaney Just a quick follow up to last month’s Emery Business more +
Emery Village BIA Executive Director's Message-Nov 2018
Here in Emery we try and look at the bright side and agree that we are entering a wonderful season. more +

Lest we forget - Emery students mark Remembrance Day
By Sean Delaney A recent Canadian study suggested there is an increasing trend of younger more +

Ringing up some beauty in Emery Village
By Sean Delaney Have you ever looked at the ubiquitous utility boxes throughout the community more +

The Canadarm and SPAR Aerospace
By Claudio D'Intino SPAR Aerospace was the Special Products and Applied Research division more +

Tis the season to decorate your home
By Ron Lazzer Can you feel the magic in the air? The Christmas lights are going up, more +