June 2021

A big thank you to all after this pandemic year
Thank you students. The 2020-2021 TDSB school year is concluding, and there is so much thanks to ...read more +

Come on back: Humber River Hospital announces a return to full capacity
By Sean Delaney A hospital can be an intimidating place to go. A daunting trip to make. It isn’t...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - June 2021
Dear Resident, Many of you have received your first dose, with second doses scheduled. Various po...read more +

Emery Collegiate vaccine clinic with a cool twist
By Sean Delaney The sun was shining and temperatures hit 32 Celsius on June 28th. It was a near-p...read more +

Emery Village shows its colours
By Sean Delaney Have you noticed that Emery Village is now in full bloom? Much of the pre-plannin...read more +

The Emery Village BIA hosts essential workers for a magical evening at the movies
By Sean Delaney On June 30th the Emery Village BIA Board of Management sponsored their own pie...read more +

Woodview Park library excited to honour Indigenous culture, and open doors to community again
By Matthew Strader A library is a community. Within its walls, as well as outside. Because a pu...read more +

BIA asks government for clear messaging, business support
By Sean Delaney It appears the worst might be over. Finally, after nearly a year of not knowin...read more +

Congratulations to the 2021 Emery Village BIA scholarship recipients
By Sean Delaney Two years ago, the Emery Village BIA Board of Management approved scholarships to...read more +

Dear 2021 graduating class of 2021
Dear 2021 graduating class of 2021 It is an honour and a privilege to celebrate all of your achieve...read more +

Emery Village BIA - June 2021
Emery Village BIA Executive Director's message Emery Village BIA would like to wish all graduat...read more +

Helping community through this pandemic and beyond
By Tom Rakocevic The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for many. As Ontario enters t...read more +

Tickets for the tireless
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village BIA held a press conference at Humber River Hospital on June 15...read more +

Yesterday and Today - June 2021
Humber Summit's changing elementary school By Tim Lambrinos School enrollment is an ever fluct...read more +