October, 2013
Reducing crime and developing safely

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Wine Fest takes over Emery Village

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A Life Lived - Margaret Stenhouse
For 51 years, Norma Stenhouse gave her heart and help to Toronto’s Humber River Hospital. Norma ...read more +
Blogging can grow your small business
COURTESY THE NEW YORK TIMES AND PR Newswire Blogging is a business. It is also a way to grow yo...read more +

Fighting crime and for your taxes
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”...read more +
Keeping Your Trick or Treaters Safe
It is that time of year again: October 31 - the day that every child looks forward to. Ghosts, ghoul...read more +

Reaching His Peak at 49
The location was the Cabbagetown Gym. It was there that he sweated and punched, shadow-boxed and b...read more +
The Meaning of School
As you lean back in your chair that is allegedly designed for ergonomic support, but in truth is no ...read more +

Chiunque visita il “North Islington Senior Citizen’s Club” avverte subito che si tratta di un club...read more +
Business of the Month – Meineke
Show them; don’t tell them…Meineke’s mission is to ensure that their customers are taken care of and...read more +
Keeping Emery active
Helping our local neighbourhood stay vibrant is the one of the many goals the Emery Village BIA has ...read more +
Last week was Thanksgiving
The beginning of this celebration started way back. It gave recent immigrants the opportunity to sit...read more +

Remembrance Day and Emery’s fallen cenotaph
Monday November 11, 2013 once again symbolizes Remembrance Day. It allows tribute to be made to ou...read more +

The Warriors of Emery Village
Many Emery Village residents of yesteryear undoubtedly displayed uncanny tenacity and determinatio...read more +