April 2024

A guide to the trails from North York to Lake Ontario
By Sean Delaney The Humber River Recreation Trail is a peaceful retreat for those eager to expl...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - April 2024
Councillor’s Corner Dear Resident, Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of attending the gro...read more +

Embracing Mental Health Week with heart and hope
By Shelly Harris BScn CCRN Rn-C Canadian Mental Health Week, running from May 6th to 12th, serves...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - April 2024
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message Spring is a time for new beginnings and a chance to ...read more +

Green upgrades on a budget
Making your home more energy efficient is one of the most substantial actions homeowners can take ...read more +
Publisher’s comment - April 2024
Publisher’s comment Celebrating May in Emery Village: A time of renewal and community As the publi...read more +

Smart roofing choices: What to consider
By Sean Delaney When it’s time to replace a roof, whether for a home or a business, the choice ...read more +

Your blood or plasma donation will make all the difference in someone’s life in your community
By Michael Belviso Patients need new and returning donors to give lifesaving blood and plasma. The ...read more +

An Italian original
By Sean Delaney Berton Seed imports 99 percent of their products from Italy. Why? Because t...read more +

Dress Shopping on the Go
By Sean Delaney Imagine a food truck. But you’re not just walking up to it—you're walking in. An...read more +

Emery BIA Job Fair a resounding success
By Sean Delaney As the publisher of the Emery Village Voice, I am thrilled to discuss the outstan...read more +

Empowering youth: A CPLC commitment
By Sean Delaney The Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) has long recognized the importance of...read more +

Seize the summer: Explore job opportunities
By Sean Delaney The City of Toronto is gearing up for an exciting summer by offering a variety of...read more +

Take a Plunge with Pro Line
By Sean Delaney Joe Schmitt, Owner and CEO of Pro Line Pool and Spa, decided to take a leap—into th...read more +