October 2020

A BIA beautification update - Steeles in bloom for 2021
By Sean Delaney Construction is almost finished along Steeles Avenue W from Fenmar Drive to Westo...read more +

Councillor's Corner - Oct 2020
Dear Resident, COVID-19 infection rates are on the rise, and we need to try our best to prevent e...read more +

Emery hospitality needs your help
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village Voice along with the Emery BIA have been aggressively marketing...read more +

Executive Director's message - Oct 2020
This October, SkillsPass and Emery Village BIA offered a free exclusive webinar titled, “Beyond th...read more +

Help yourself stay well - get a flu shot
By Sean Delaney This fall and winter is certainly not the time to become stricken with the season...read more +

Kitchen24 serves 5,000 Thanksgiving hungry, wants more for Xmas
By Sean Delaney Kitchen24 is a one-of-a-kind company. And during the coronavirus pandemic, they a...read more +

Smiles are rewarding
By Varad Mehta Putting smiles on faces is rewarding, said a local wedding officiant. Several cou...read more +

BIA expands COVID-19 training outreach
By Sean Delaney For the past month, the Emery BIA has offered a free SkillsPass COVID-19 work s...read more +

Emery girl goes above and beyond for red oak
By Sean Delaney “I saw the tree on TV, and these people wanted to cut it down and I was crying be...read more +

Emery Village made it after all
By Sean Delaney A wise person once said that when Starbucks selects your community to build a new...read more +

Finch West LRT corridor
Construction is progressing across the Finch West LRT corridor ------------------------------------...read more +

It continues to be all about the music
By Tim Lambrinos There are musicians that develop their vocals or play instruments and are able t...read more +

Nothing beats nature for environmental education
By Sean Delaney The coronavirus pandemic is keeping everyone focused on social distancing, public...read more +