October 2023

31 Division Inspector looks to grow with unique community
By Sean Delaney New Inspector of 31 Division, Roger Desrochers is looking forward to getting to ...read more +

CIBC hits the mark in stride
By Sean Delaney In the heart of Emery, at the intersection of Satterly and Islington, the CIBC br...read more +

Dancing away in Emery Village
By Sean Delaney Well Emery Village, it is time to dance. Miss Amanda, owner of Dance Kids Canada...read more +
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - October 2023
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message With November soon approaching this gives us an opp...read more +
Finding a dream in Emery Village
By Sean Delaney Continue your journey, pursue your dreams, and achieve your goals. Ward 4 Truste...read more +

Local heroes honoured: Brigette Contento and Michael Verrelli receive coronation pin
By Sean Delaney In a recently held ceremony, two of Emery Village’s most dedicated and diligent com...read more +

One mustache at a time this Movember
By Shannon Delmarco Movember, a blend of the words ‘moustache’ and ‘November’, has evolved into a...read more +

St. Basil-the-Great showcases its renowned International Baccalaureate programme
By Sean Delaney St. Basil-the-Great’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a world-re...read more +

The YNOT Youth Now On Track 15th Annual Recognition Awards
Celebrating Excellence and Dedication The Emery Village community recently came together in a ...read more +

Winter is approaching fast, get prepared
By Sean Delaney With the chilly season just around the corner, don’t find yourself caught off gua...read more +

Blast from the Past: St. Basil’s 3100 Weston Rd.
By Eugene Arcilesi Recently, much attention has been diverted towards the Gardiner Cottage and th...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - October 2023
Councillor’s Corner Dear Resident, I’m thrilled to update you on the significant progress made in ...read more +
Emery rallies for Orange Shirt Day: A gratitude note
By Diana Rothbauer Branch Head Woodview Park Library As the hues of autumn embrace our city, ano...read more +

Finch West LRT update
Finch West LRT update: Bike Lane additions By Sean Delaney Once again, as I was driving on F...read more +
In Loving Memory: A dedication to Sam Russo
By Sean Delaney October 21st was a beautiful fall afternoon at Emery’s Louise Russo Park, where f...read more +
November programs at Humber Summit Library & Woodview Park Library
Humber Summit Library November programs at Humber Summit Library Join us throughout the summer a...read more +

Publisher’s comment - October 2023
Publisher’s comment To our cherished readers and the entire Emery Village community, As Remembranc...read more +
The Emery Village BIA: Addressing the present while planning for the future
By Al Ruggero As fall descends upon us, thoughts naturally shift to the upcoming winter season. How...read more +

Ward 7 residents engage with Finch West LRT team at Open House
By Sean Delaney I recently attended a Finch West LRT community open house hosted at Councillor Pe...read more +