October 2019

A renovated St. Jude’s...
Gives Emery Village a new home for functions and fun By Sean Delaney A wealth of improvement...read more +

Councillor's Corner - Oct 2019
Dear residents, I am happy to announce that my Autumn Newsletter will be released this month. In ...read more +
Executive Director's Message-Oct 2019
Remembering those who served The upcoming month of November gives us an opportunity to show our g...read more +

Tastes of Emery
Suya Spot is the place to be, 365 days a year By Sean Delaney The Suya Spot has been in busi...read more +

Winter Driving is Coming Soon
By Sean Delaney We live in Toronto, and therefore, we are not always sure what the winter weath...read more +

Building strong roots for the future
By Sean Delaney Climate change is real. There is little debate anymore. The devastat...read more +

Cowry Kitchens
Reno Kitchens at dream prices By Sean Delaney Cowry Kitchens Reno was created 12 years ago b...read more +

Liberal Judy Sgro re-elected again
By Tim Lambrinos Canada saw its 43rd federal election held on Monday, Oct. 21. The Libera...read more +

The fifth annual Emery Charity Venetian Ball
By Sean Delaney On Friday, Oct.25 the fifth annual Emery Charity Venetian Ball returned to the ...read more +

Yesterday and Today: The Felling of Trees
The felling of trees in a forest By Tim Lambrinos In 1831, Matthew Griffith of Ireland purc...read more +