June 2023

Camp TO
Calling all adventurous campers- There is still time to enroll for this summer. And if you haven...read more +

City of Toronto marks Canada Day on July 1
The City of Toronto offers a robust line-up of free programming for Canada Day, providing reside...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - June 2023
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message The Emery BIA always strives to get notices on e...read more +

Final Finch West LRV delivery imminent
Final Finch West LRV delivery imminent The Finch West LRT’s eighteenth and final light rail vehicle...read more +

Health wise in Emery - June 2023
Health wise in Emery By Shelly Harris, BScN CCRN Rn-C Lyme disease, not “lime” disease, is a bacte...read more +

In view: New eye clinic opens in Emery Village
By Sean Delaney Emery Eye-Q Vision is an eye clinic worth looking at. They offer a suite of...read more +
Publisher’s comment - June 2023
Publisher’s comment Dear residents and readers of Emery Village, On behalf of the Emery Village Vo...read more +

The healthy, fun of an at-home garden
The healthy, fun of an at-home garden In recent years, the trend of at-home gardening has gained ...read more +

Canada Day facts
Canada Day facts Canada Day is July 1st. Here are some interesting facts: Canada Day, also kno...read more +

Emery community business news - June 2023
Emery community business news Toronto Public Library offers a dedicated co-working space, the Entre...read more +

Emery Village shows its colours
By Sean Delaney Have you noticed that the Emery Village BIA has nearly completed its annual flowe...read more +

Finch West memories
By Al Ruggero For anyone who recalls walking or driving along Finch Ave West before most of t...read more +

Humber Summit Library and Woodview Park Library - June 2023
July Programs at Humber Summit Library Join us throughout the summer and join the Summer Read...read more +

Social in Emery
By Shannon Delmarco July is Summerlicious time in Toronto From July 7 to 23, enjoy three-course ...read more +