August 2021

30 years of providing protection with care
By Sean Delaney EPI Fire Protection & Security is celebrating a 30th anniversary. And for more +

Councillor's Corner - August 2021
Dear Resident, Many families are looking forward to the new school year, but many are uneasy more +

Gino Rea has a flair for hair
By Sean Delaney Gino Rea got into hair cutting because he liked to work with his hands. And more +

Humber River Hospital Fundraising Legends On The Court
“My wife and I were headed to my parents for a socially distanced Thanksgiving last year,” more +

More custom than production, Topkote is the highest quality finish
By Sean Delaney Founded in 1989, Topkote Design Finishes Inc. provides top quality more +

Welcome back TDSB students, staff and community
First of all, I hope you have had a wonderful summer. To say you earned a much-needed break over more +

Yesterday and Today - August 2021
Emery’s distinctive elected official By Tim Lambrinos Elected officials have always more +

A message from TCDSB trustee – Ida Li Preti
Hello, I hope that you and your family have enjoyed a safe and relaxing summer. We look forward more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director's Message - Aug 2021
Hello everyone, We wish all students starting a new school year in September a successful, safe, more +

Help your best friend have a ball with Muttballs
By Sean Delaney The YUPP Muttball is a fascinating take on dog food. No more bowls of kibble more +

It's time to vote Humber River - Black Creek
By Sean Delaney The writ has dropped and Canada will go back to the polls on September 20. more +

Watermain installation at Signet Drive and Finch Avenue West (August 2021 to mid-October 2021)
As part of the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project utility relocation is ongoing along more +

Workplace COVID self-screening kits for Emery businesses
It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s free Here’s what you need to know about the program. The Toronto more +