January 2021

A Canadian zoo in his own backyard
By Sean Delaney Doctor Dolittle is a story that has entertained children and adults for decades, be...read more +

Do your part: 40 minutes can save a life
By Sean Delaney Beginning in the spring of 2020, the Emery Village BIA has offered a free SkillsPas...read more +

Emery’s Panino Cappuccino is on top
By Sean Delaney An Emery Village restaurant was named the Top Choice Award winner for best Italian ...read more +

HRH mental health helps kids back to school
This school year has been one of constant change in response to COVID-19, and the adjustment has not...read more +

Publisher’s comment - Jan 2021
Happy New Year to our Emery readers. How is everyone? I hope you’re finding ways to stay healthy a...read more +

Year in Review - 2020
Service continues to be an honour, Rakocevic By Sean Delaney Tom Rakocevic, MPP for Humber River-B...read more +

Zooming in on the Emery Village BIA’s AGM
By Sean Delaney On Tuesday, January 11, the Emery Village BIA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM)...read more +

Councillor's Corner - Jan 2021
Dear Resident, COVID-19 infection rates are on the rise more than ever before. With the current sta...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director's message - Jan 2021
The Province of Ontario has gone into lockdown in response to a declaration of a state of emergency ...read more +

Finch West LRT construction update
The following is an update on underground utility work on Finch Avenue West between CP Bridge and Si...read more +

New 31 Division leader, Keith Smith
By Sean Delaney Keith Smith is the new head Inspector at 31 Division. He comes to Emery Village fr...read more +

Virtual urgent care at HRH
By Sean Delaney Humber River Hospital (HRH) offers virtual urgent care visits for patients (10 year...read more +

Yesterday and Today - Jan 2021
By Tim Lambrinos Reflections of G.B. Warren Junior High School The Humber Summit Middle School pro...read more +