July 2017

Councillor's Corner - July 2017
Dear Friends, I wanted to take a moment and let you know about some of the programs the City of...read more +
Executive Director's message-July 2017
Summer has officially arrived and Emery presented the community with another successful Movie in the...read more +

Great news but the reality of back to school
By Sean Delaney As kids, we have all felt the excitement for the upcoming opening of the annual...read more +

Movies in the park
By Sean Delaney The Movies in the Park have become a summer tradition in Emery Village, usu...read more +

Outdoor Living - July 2017
The best of the gardens at our feet By Ron Lazzer Summer is my favourite time of year. The ...read more +

The Harmony Village tradition continues
By Sean Delaney In light of Canada’s 150th birthday, the Harmony Village community, located at ...read more +

Yesterday and Today: Devins' Woodland Abode
Back in 1950, Jack Devins was a 24 year old young man working on his father’s (John R. Devins)...read more +

Emery Village in Bloom
By Sean Delaney I would like to give a shout out to the Emery Village BIA and the many great bu...read more +

Gabriel Ghazal Denture Clinics
You’re one stop shop for all your denture needs By Sean Delaney We all want pearly whites. ...read more +

It’s Emery’s Turn
By Tim Lambrinos The building of an Emery Village Square, complete with a towering Canadian fla...read more +

Our Arterial Roads
Behind their names and TTC history BY CLAUDIO D’INTINO Finch Ave W, Steeles Ave W, Weston Rd...read more +
Pets of Emery - July 2017
We’re taking a slightly different look at pets this month. So many pets have warm and loving homes...read more +
Toronto Seniors Helpline
If you are a senior that needs help, Toronto Seniors Helpline can help in many ways. They offer com...read more +