February 2023
Councillor Perruzza’s staff introduction
Councillor Perruzza’s staff introduction We’ve begun a new term and a new year, and I am excited ...read more +

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - February 2023
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message The next few months will be a very exciting and bu...read more +

Humber Summit Library
March programming: Tuesday March 14 1:30 to 3 p.m. March Break Artists! Painting with k...read more +

Not just your run-of-the mill job recruitment event
By Al Ruggero The Canadian economy is strong and continues to defy expectations. In a recent...read more +

Tier 1 Auto is your neighbourhood automotive centre
By Sean Delaney It’s all about being part of a neighbourhood. And ensuring your car runs properl...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - February 2023
Councillor’s Corner Dear Resident, Registration for City spring recreation programs open Wed...read more +

Emery’s EPI is growing, and wants to grow with you
By Sean Delaney It’s all about safety. EPI Fire Protection Inc has experienced a lot of growth d...read more +

More than one million vehicles raised by Finch West LRT
By Sean Delaney Literally! Thanks to a unique method of construction known as bridge jacking, re...read more +

Take a digital journey with your business
Digital Main Street is a program created in response to needs identified by small businesses like yo...read more +

Yesterday and Today - February 2023
Yesterday and Today Emery’s re-connected sports graduates By Tim Lambrinos Growing up there are...read more +