April 2015

“RAZOR” RUDDOCK defies the odds
On March 28, 2015 at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, 51 year old Donovan “Razor” Ruddock steppe...read more +

Autism awareness month
BY SAYADA NABI April is autism awareness month, and April 2 specifically is Autism Awaren...read more +

Councillor’s Corner-April 2015
Dear Friends, Last month Toronto city council passed the 2015 budget. Many of you contac...read more +

Emery’s hockey coaches
By Tim Lambrinos In the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, spirited organized hockey for boys w...read more +
Executive Director’s message-April 2015
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message “Raindrops on roses…silver white winters that melt...read more +

Humber River Hospital Update
Quality patient care, technology, and you Humber River Hospital is proud to be building North Ame...read more +

Publisher’s note - April 2015
CivicAction works to address youth unemployment Imagine a region where all young people thrive, a...read more +

A critical illness plan can be money well saved
BY JOHN COLAUTTI The main components are that you must survive 30 days from date of diag...read more +

Cleaning Rowntree Mills Park
BY SAYADA NABI The city of Toronto has a little less garbage on the grounds today bec...read more +

Emery Clean and Green: April 2015
By Sean Delaney I took a long drive around Emery Village on Friday, April 17th looki...read more +

Emery’s soulful son: Lou Pomanti
BY SEAN DELANEY From working with Patsy Gallant to touring with Blood, Sweat and Tears, L...read more +

Governments celebrate Canada Job Grant in Emery Village
BY SEAN DELANEY The Honourable Pierre Poilievre, Minister of Employment and Social Devel...read more +

Mini Sticks with a cool grown up twist!
King Giulian’s new Mini Sticks and Gaming Centre originated from an idea in the mind of a ...read more +