October 2014

Business in Profile: Tire Spot
BY MELANIE JONAS If you are like myself you think car tires, hubcaps and rims are simple part...read more +

Emery Village - Giving Kids a Better Christmas
Gift giving campaign celebrates 10 years at Harvest Christian Church BY PASTOR JON For mos...read more +

Forget About the Ache
By: Dr. Luigi Nalli Through my series of articles I have done my best to educate about wha...read more +

School to hold second annual bazaar
St. Rochs Catholic School is holding its 2nd annual Christmas bazaar on November 29 from 9 a.m. to...read more +

Toronto Police Halloween Safety Tips
It is that time of year again: October 31 - the day that every child looks forward to. Ghosts, g...read more +

Wine Festival for Everyone!
BY SEAN DELANEY Thousands came out to celebrate the harvest, wine, food and family for the S...read more +

Remembrance Day 2014
Remembrance Day and Emery’s fallen cenotaph BY TIM LAMBRINOS Monday November 11, 201...read more +

Emery Clean and Green
BY DAVID LANCE Wondering who I am, why I am writing these words? It happened this way… I was ...read more +
Executive Director’s message-October 2014
On behalf of the Emery Village BIA staff, and myself I would like to say a hearty thank you to all o...read more +

Keeping an eye out on Emery and beyond
BY SEAN DELANEY For many of you, the Melody Road public School is a place of fond memories tha...read more +

Thanks for Giving - 2014
Thanksgiving celebrations should include giving back to those in need BY SAYADA NABI T...read more +

Percy Gardiner’s Rivermede Cottage
BY TIM LAMBRINOS Emery Village developed exclusively as a farming community in the 1800s and...read more +