By Sean Delaney
Alton Window Doors started in 1972, on Weston Road south of Steeles. Later it would move to the south side of Steeles near Pine Valley or Fenmar.
Chito Buccheri is credited with expanding it on Fenmar.
“From 1981 to 1988, I was a dealer,” said John Paterra, owner of Alton Windows and Doors. “They approached me and asked if I would install windows for Alton. I did, I had my own truck, doing my own installations for Alton, and in 1988 I was approached by Mr. Buccheri and asked if I would take on the manufacturing and that’s what happened.”
In May of 1988, Paterra took over Fenmar and stayed there five years. In 1992, the lease came up and they decided it was time to buy their own place. “We’ve been here since then.”
Most of the windows are manufactured in-house. The aluminum ones are the ones Paterra said Buccheri put on the map.

“We got into vinyl because it was trendy for a while, but now aluminum is coming back.”
Alton also specializes in residential entry door systems.
They’ve shifted over from the dealer network to dealing straight and direct with consumers.
“The volume isn’t what it used to be, but it’s much more efficient now. We don’t move as many windows but we’re automated and getting bigger and bigger.”
About 60 percent of Alton’s business is supply and install.
Paterra said the latest big changes are in glass.

“The argon filled glass now, it does make a tremendous energy savings,” he said. “But a windows’ a window. When it comes to the vinyl we’re all very competitive. I find it offensive when some people are saying, Oh, ours is better than theirs, ‘Cause they’re really not, we’re all really competitive.”
And it’s that honesty and integrity that has kept Alton a popular choice. “Most streets in North York, I don’t care where you’re going, you’re going to find one of our windows. It’s been 47 years now.
“We’re going to stay small and efficient, serve the public, the homeowners, the do-it yourselfers, We love to deal with the public.”
Alton Window and Doors is located at 155 Fenmar Dr. 416-749-8282.