By Sean Delaney
Have you noticed yellow signs popping up on residential streets everywhere you drive in Emery Village?
They politely ask, “Please slow down.”
What a simple and cost-effective way to keep our neighbourhoods safe from traffic accidents. You may have read that our fine city is being touted the pedestrian-car accident capital of Canada. In most pedestrian accidents, speed is a factor. Our elderly and children on bikes are especially vulnerable. I watched speeding cars rounding a blind corner on a street in the Humber Summit last month, and my heart sank. Tight corners, distractions, property fences and box hedges all contribute to a dangerous combination for old and young alike.
Later in 2015, Etobicoke York Community Council chose to adopt a new policy put forward by the Transportation Department based on a motion Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti moved in June. The Councillor requested a report from Transportation on the feasibility, cost, and appropriate mechanisms to provide, free of charge upon request, “Slow Down” signs to residents of the Etobicoke York District. Transportation did not disappoint and came back with an offer to spend $40,000 in order to produce around 200-300 signs for residents in each ward of the Etobicoke-York District. The funding for this project is within their operational budget and allows residents to become more proactively involved in addressing traffic safety concerns in their neighbourhoods. This project will ideally save the city money on speed humps/bumps and speed reduction signs.
Want to get a sign for in front of your house?
Please contact Councillor Mammoliti’s office at 416-395-6401 or email him directly at: councillor_mammoliti@toronto.ca.
Have a safe summer!