Emery Village BIA executive director Sandra Farina and Ward 7 Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti dropped by the Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring plant on October 13th, to take in an extensive tour and present a well earned award.
CEO Shmuel Zimmerman and David Ricci were on hand to accept the City of Toronto award for being the recent recipient of a Canada/Ontario job grant for retraining staff as well as being recognized as a long term provider of top quality products, customer service and jobs and growth to the community.
“We’ve always been proud to be a 100 percent North America sourced company,” said Satin Finish CEO Shmuel Zimmerman. “Our wood comes from farms and forestry groups in North America, and we are very careful to use responsible products.”
Satin Finish is approaching their 100th anniversary. By any measure that is an incredible accomplishment and we wish them all the best for another 100!