A true gentleman who shall not be forgotten
By Tim Lambrinos

A fitting tribute for a man whose kindness in heart and matching generosity for the public at large, endures as an unrivalled Canadian act of love and compassion. The Apotex sign raised at our new hospital’s emergency ward will surely stand the test of time.
The name Apotex can be viewed as an outstanding acknowledgment for a great man that we in Emery have been blessed to have a supporting connection with.
Barry Sherman’s company originally opened their doors at 404 and 406 Ormont Drive, north of Finch and east of Weston. This warehousing building was initially used when Apotex. was founded in 1974. This imperceptible and famous building lasts today and is currently utilized by the Polystyle Shaping Company and the Auto Doctors.
Today, Apotex Inc. operates out of 15 manufacturing buildings within Emery BIA’s boundaries and employs more than 6,000 workers where most employees are from our immediate community.
As reported late last year, Barry Sherman and his wife Honey were found lifeless on Dec. 15, 2017 in their Bayview/401 home. Media reports indicate that well known attorney Brian Greenspan has been hired by the Sherman family to investigate the circumstances enveloping Barry and Honey’s shocking deaths. Statements from the police still list the deaths only as suspicious. News reports indicate that a private investigator has also been retained to compliment the main investigation. Ideally, to shed some light on evidence surrounding the tragic and startling deaths that may identify a probable offender.
Dr. Sherman was a bona-fide rocket scientist whose talents were courted by the likes of NASA. Two years ago, a $10 million financial donation was given to our local Humber River Hospital’s Emergency Department, by Apotex Inc. So when we proudly see the Apotex name out there on buildings throughout the land, you know it was done by that great Emery businessman Barry Sherman, who was behind it.
Sherman is set to be awarded the esteemed Order of Canada award in 2018.
It has been released that a member of Barry’s family or friend could receive the honour for him posthumously.
One can only speculate as to a recent source of unknown and anonymous donation that was received for mental health care or if it had been another source recently seen to occur in the news.
Barry Sherman was truly one of Emery’s great businessmen.