New Donation Box Supports Children’s Wish Foundation
Pastor Jon Sarpong shares stories of support, hope and encouragement taking place in our community
With only a few weeks left before Christmas, many families and individuals are looking for ways to give support and back to their communities in impactful ways. For many Canadians’, one of the most direct ways to literally give back to their communities is to donate used clothes and other household items via donation boxes to families in need, instead of allowing these useful items to be disposed of at the landfill. Recycling Rewards, a Toronto based company that has recently placed its first donation bin in the Humber Summit community, aims to assist the most vulnerable in our community through its donation program.
“The Recycling Rewards Used Clothing Donation Bin Program aims to rescue used clothing placed in donation bins in locations that are both convenient and visible,” says Rinand C. Escuban, a member of the Recycling Rewards Community Relations Team. “The items we receive supply our Talize thrift stores; proceeds go to reputable non-profit organizations including The Children’s Wish Foundation. Through sponsorship of a donation bin, you help to save the environment, and benefit your local cause.”
Recycling Rewards is a platinum partner in support of The Children’s Wish Foundation. The Children’s Wish Foundation helps Canadian children, families and communities by granting the favourite wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. With every wish granted, the organization creates moments of joy that ease the pain of a child, give respite to the child’s family, and connect healthcare professionals and communities in that burning wish of hope.
“Recycling Rewards welcomes the donation of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, hats, shoes/boots, towels, blinds/curtains/drapery, kitchenware, books, knick knacks, and home décor items among others,” says Shawn Hayes, Community Relations Manager. “Recycling Rewards proudly supports The Children’s Wish Foundation through the collection and redistribution of clothing and housewares. Our Donation Bin Program aims to rescue these items by placing donation bins in locations that are both convenient and visible. We are happy to have our first donation bin in Humber Summit located at 196 Toryork Drive; and we are eager to place more bins in this giving and supportive community.”
This Christmas, place your used items in the new donation box located at Harvest Christian Church located at 196 Toryork Drive.
To find out more about the Recycling Rewards Donation Program, please visit: recyclingrewards.com