Please join in the same mission as Sister Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, who were asked to visit Cova da Iria in Fatima Portugal 1917 on the 13th of each month for six months by the Blessed Mother.
The children were asked to pray for sinners and to stop offending God and pray the rosary daily.
They were to attend mass and adore the blessed sacrament. Through the children’s obedience to our Blessed Mothers requests 70,000 people witnessed the miracle of the sun and saw our blessed Mother.
This changed the lives of all who attended by answering our Blessed Mothers request.
Their many returned to church and began praying the rosary.
This brought peace to the world and ended the War 100 years ago. The miracle which touched the lives through the obedience of the three children, two of which Jacinta and Francisco, will be canonized on the 13th of May by Pope Francis in Fatima Portugal.
One hundred years later again our Blessed Mother is calling her children to gather before Jesus, with rosaries in our hands, all over the world.
We invite you to join us in celebrating this unprecedented event at the Marian Shrine of Gratitude in Toronto (3100 Weston Rd. Toronto-Just south of Sheppard Ave.)
Help us join 140 other Nations in 40 hours of prayer for world peace and to change the direction that the wind is blowing for our families and the world. May 12, 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
May 13, 9:30 a.m. and 10 p.m.
For more info visit our website www.stbernadettesfrc.org