By Sean Delaney
The Community Police Liaison Committee held a community meeting on Jan. 11 at the Carmine Stefano Community Centre.
Staff Sergeant Blanchard of 31 Division explained that the Toronto Police Service (TPS) will release a “Calls for Service” portal on www.torontopolice.on.ca beginning Feb. 16.
The release will spearhead an effort to better inform the public about where police have responded.
The map will be updated every few minutes, and show the approximate location, event type, and time officers were on scene.
This information will only be available when the officer is on scene. This way the public/media will not be there beforehand. This map will not reveal events such as medical calls, sexual assaults, suicides or domestic disputes to protect the privacy of those involved – as required by law.
Empowering community partners by keeping them informed about the events occurring in their respective neighbourhoods will help the community to help Toronto Police Service (TPS).
Whether staying away from a collision scene to keep traffic moving, or calling police with information about a crime residents would have otherwise been unaware of. A more informed neighbourhood produces more informed police officers, they reported.
A clarification regarding the three sections in No. 31 Division, specifically officer resources was presented. The CRU (Community Response Unit) is different than the PRU (Primary Response Unit). There are six neighbourhoods designated by the City of Toronto and each neighbourhood has CRU officers assigned to them. The CRU works in partnership with the local community to enhance public safety and security. Using a variety of resources, they identify, solve and prevent problems to improve the quality of life in the community.
No. 31 Division CRU is the neighbourhood officers who are seen riding bicycles, walking on foot and driving in cars engaging with community members.
Staff Sergeant Blanchard is responsible for the CRU consisting of four teams with four sergeants, the SROs (School Resource Office) CSLO (Community School Liaison Officer for Primary/Middle schools), School Crossing Guards, Auxiliary Officers and Crime Prevention Officer Amir Butt.

If there is an ongoing non-emergency issue within the neighbourhood, residents are asked to speak with Staff Sergeant Blanchard’s office to arrange for officers to assist and possibly assign an ILP (Intelligence Led Policing) report so other officers can investigate and gather information and as well as initiate communication.
The PRU (Primary Response Unit) is led by five Staff Sergeants and are the officers in the white cars that answer 911 calls.
The CIB (Criminal Investigative Bureau) provides support after an incident occurs.
All sections work in partnership. This includes a daily morning meeting for the officers in charge of each section. Inspector Hussein and Superintendent Riviere encourage communication within the division.
Staff Sergeant Blanchard also emphasized that there are immediate vacancies for School Crossing Guards in the 31 Division neighbourhood.
He urged the community to pass this information along to anyone who may be interested in applying.
It’s your community.
Let’s all get involved.
The CPLC meets almost every month.
Please check back with the Emery Village Voice for meeting dates and updates.