Councillor Perruzza’s principal’s forum
On Thursday, April 3 I hosted my Principal’s Forum at Northwood Community Centre.
The event was held in conjunction with City of Toronto staff, along with superintendents, principals, and vice-principals from both the TDSB and the TCDSB.
The focus of the Principal’s Forum was to collaborate in our efforts to build a safer environment for each student and school in Humber River-Black Creek. Together we reviewed current school zone safety protocol and upcoming improvements, including the initiatives of the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan. The event was an ideal opportunity engage with other active members of our community and gather valuable feedback and suggestions. Our areas of focus included school pick-up zones, local roads and sidewalk usage during peak hours.
For many of us, traffic congestion in school zones is a source of frustration and worry. With the help of this forum we aim to continue to discover ways to enhance how we manage traffic congestion and mitigate the overall impact of transportation on our environment.
As always, please contact my office if you have any questions or concerns about city-related issues.

My staff and I are happy to help you.
Toronto City Hall100 Queen Street West 2nd Floor - Suite C41 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 Main: 416-338-5335 Fax: 416-696-4144
Constituency Office3470 Keele Street (Keele at Grandravine) Ground Level - Suite 3 Toronto, ON M3J 3M1 Line 1: 416-338-0696 Line 2: 416-338-0499
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Reach me online:Email: Councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca
Website: www.anthonyperruzza.com