Dear Residents,
The city’s operating budget is $11 billion – a billion more of taxpayers’ hard-earned money compared to the previous administration.
Property taxes have increased, land transfer taxes increased, parking fees increased and the City Building Levy was introduced.
However, residents are waiting more than seven minutes when dialling 911.
For months we have heard about how the lack of resources is burning out and demoralizing the police force.
Through budget cuts, this Administration has forced the Toronto Police Service to cut over 300 officers as of last year, while it failed to invest in any kinds of technology or infrastructure to help the police prepare for a smaller force.
Even though our LGBTQ+ officers should march proudly, and even though 75 percent of our students felt safer with officers in their schools, John Tory failed to defend our officers at Pride and our schools when they were vilified by Black Lives Matter.
Even in my own usually quiet ward, I have been getting increased reports of break-ins, assaults and car thefts.
This pandering to the self-righteous activists and hand-wringers who like to blame everything on the police has got to stop.
Toronto Police are our friends, not the criminals they protect us from.
John Tory needs to address this public safety crisis and say loud and clear that this city will commit to supporting the police in meaningful ways.
The Tory Administration has been plagued by waste and mismanagement.
The Administration has failed the City of Toronto and its runaway spending has done nothing to improve the safety and quality of life for families.
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti
Ward 7 - York West