Welcoming 2020 Together
On Sunday, January 12 I held a joint New Year’s Levee with MPP Tom Rakocevic at Northwood Community Centre. I would like to acknowledge and thank staff, volunteers and local organizations for all of their support.
It was a great way to welcome 2020 together as a community. I got to present many Neighbourhood Awards to community leaders to help recognize the positive impact that they have here in Humber River-Black Creek.
Last year my office launched a Neighbourhood Awards Program where residents can nominate their neighbours for contributing something special to our local streets, groups and businesses. An example would be the Seniors Advocate Award designated for someone who speaks up and raises awareness for seniors’ rights and programs, or the Most Beautiful Garden Award. Residents can nominate their neighbour by calling my office or visiting my website for more details, including a list of the types of awards that are currently being presented. My team is open to feedback and suggestions as we continue to promote the program.
New Constituency Office Update:
Our Constituency Office is moving this spring to a more centralized location to serve you better. As of March 1, we will be located at 2350 Finch Avenue W, Unit C.

Please stay tuned for more details. I will be sharing further updates on my social media platforms and website. Our next newsletter will include the updated address, contact information and hours for this new location.
City Councillor Anthony Perruzza
Ward 7 – Humber River-Black Creek