Dear Resident,
Every year my office hosts property tax and water bill rebate clinics to help seniors and those with disabilities fill out applications for these programs. Due to COVID-19, this year will be different.
Please call my office to set up a one-on-one appointment at: 416-338-5335, or email: councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca.
The deadline to apply for the property tax, water bill, and solid waste relief programs is October 30, 2020. When you call or email, please confirm which ID you need to bring with you to your appointment. Applications will be available this month.
Please remember that masks are mandatory while riding the TTC and when visiting any indoor public space. We must take these rules seriously to prioritize our health and flatten the curve for the long haul.
The northwest corner of Toronto has been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. I will continue to work with MPP Tom Rakocevic and the Board of Health to make sure that our community gets the resources needed for a successful transition into Stage Three.
This leads me to highlighting the pop-up COVID-19 testing unit that operated out of Christian Centre Church for a few days last month. I advocated for mobile testing to come to our area.
My office will share more updates about that service as they become available. Please check my website for further details.
If you have any concerns or need access to resources, please give my office a call at: 416-338-5335
Or email: councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca.
#DriveInTODownsview Park will be a local option for #DriveInTO events this month. It will be fun for families to be able to drive up and view entertainment while staying safe in their own vehicles. For more details on scheduled programming, please visit the City’s website: www.toronto.ca/driveinto.
In addition, much of this information is posted on my website: www.anthonyperruzza.com
For regular updates, please follow me on Facebook @AnthonyPerruzza, Twitter @PerruzzaTO, Instagram @Perruzza_TO or subscribe to my regular e-newsletter updates online by visiting my website.
Anthony Perruzza
City Councillor, Ward 7
Humber River-Black Creek