Dear Friends,
As we approach the month of May and begin to witness the first signs of spring, I think it would be an appropriate opportunity to talk to you this month about the wonderful environmental activities taking place in Ward 7.
As Earth Day has recently come and gone, I would like to continue educating our community on environmental issues that affect all of us, and how we as a community can do our part by creating a cleaner, greener, and more liveable Toronto.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of our yearly Community Environment Day.
Community Environment Days offer residents the opportunity to reuse, recycle or safely dispose of items including household goods, electronics, and household hazardous waste in their own neighbourhoods. By continuing the theme of being environmentally conscience this month, I strongly encourage your involvement in our Community Environment Day.
Emery Community Environment Day:
Thursday May 26th 2016
From: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Downsview Arena
1633 Wilson Avenue, M3L 1A5
Once again, I encourage you all to do your part and help make this year’s Community Environment Day a success. Together we can witness the wonderful things happening in Ward 7 that make our community such a strong and fantastic place to live.
Ward 7 CouncillorGiorgio Mammoliti