A tale of two motions
City Council Update:
At City Council’s meeting on February 19, I presented two motions, both of which passed. One extended library hours across 8 library branches. The purpose of the extension is to allow for the full operation of Youth Hubs at these locations. This will result in adding 5,538 hours annually to the Centennial, Downsview, Flemington Park, Jane/Dundas, Kennedy/Eglinton, Mount Dennis, Sanderson and Weston branches. This will allow these libraries to stay open longer during the evenings as well as on weekends, making them more accessible for youth and all users.
The second motion requested a report back from Revenue Services before the 2021 budget process on the status of tax ratios. The purpose of the motion is to request information on the current systems in place regarding different property classes, including the relationship between the Commercial Tax and Residential Tax Rates. We need to rethink our model in order to make sure that corporate entities pay appropriately and that smaller, independent businesses and homeowners are treated more fairly when it comes to property taxes.
New Constituency Office Update:As of March 2, 2020 our Constituency Office is now located at 2350 Finch Avenue West, Unit C.
I will be sharing further updates shortly. Look out for my Spring Newsletter which will also include the updated hours for this new location.

I was on season three of Political Blind Date on TVO Docs.
Visit www.tvo.org and watch Episode 2, where Councillor Jim Karygiannis and I discuss transit needs in the suburbs.
As always, you can email me at: councillor_perruzza or call my office at: (416) 338-5335.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
City Councillor Anthony Perruzza
Ward 7 – Humber River-Black Creek