Sex offenders in Ward 7 - Where are they? and why don’t you know?

Recently I have spoken out on a topic that I believe greatly requires our undivided attention – the co-mingling of adults and children at “all-ages” dance parties.
I whole heartedly believe that “all-ages” dance parties should be banned completely. However, they continue to take place and I have no agency over the choices and actions of those who wish to attend these events. I do have the ability to voice my concern when these party promoters come to the City of Toronto asking us to provide a venue to host their events. We entered into discussions with the promoters asking them to restrict the ages, to ensure stronger security measures to prevent illicit drug use and to implement restrictions on alcohol consumption but the promoters refused to acknowledge the necessity of these measures. And so, along with my fellow CNE Board members (with the exception of two other councillors) we voted against allowing these events on the Exhibition Place grounds. The other councillors who condone these parties that would see children exposed to adults drinking and taking drugs brought the matter to Council and had the board decision overturned with the exception that it be re-visited by the board and as such the topic continues. We recently held a public consultation on the topic. A few weeks prior to this the Ontario Ministry of Corrections released official numbers of where registered sex offenders live by postal code. As it turned out, one of the highest concentrations was found in the ward neighbouring Exhibition Place grounds. This new and disturbing information solidified my opinion that the City not enter into negotiations for these parties and also called attention to the outright irresponsibility of the local councillor advocating these “all-ages” events when his community houses one of the highest concentrations of sex offenders.
I have, in the past, been criticised for my approach to sensitive topics and I welcome this criticism. I will defend my actions in protecting our children and keeping our community safe. I also approached you on the topic of illicit clubs in our area and with your support I took a heavy handed approach by threatening to expose their facilities to insurance companies, effectively shutting down their businesses. We won that fight too as all illicit clubs in Ward 7 have been shut down. When gangs in our neighbourhood was a prevalent issue and they glamourized their killings with street side memorials I received loud criticism for not allowing the families to mourn. It wasn’t about depriving the families of the ability to grieve, but instead about depriving gangs of further opportunity to perpetrate their hate for each other. Again, we won that fight and gangs and gang killings have diminished in Ward 7. Now, I come to you once again on the topic of sex offenders in our community and around our children. In the same manner you have always asked of me, I will be hosting a community meeting regarding the number of sex offenders in our area and finding out how many of them are pedophiles. My integrity on this topic has been questioned, and to those that question my dedication to protecting our children from sexual predators, I ask you – “Where is your integrity when you advocate for protecting the predators of our children?”.
I believe my greatest weapon is my ability to verbally bring forward topics of a sensitive nature and provide results in the best interest of Ward 7. No amount of personal attacks or insulting words will reduce my integrity in representing the safety and well being of Ward 7 residents. To those who wish to continue on a path of targeted insults, I implore you to gain control of yourself and speak of matters that impact our residents not tactics to deflect your own incapability.
Please stay tuned for details on the community meeting.
Giorgio Mammoliti Ward 7 Councillor[/i]