Dear Friends,
Ward 7’s Community Safety Forum with Toronto Police and Municipal Licensing and Standards was on Monday, May 2nd.
I was pleased to host the Ward-7 Community Safety Forum at St. Roch’s Church, where the York West community welcomed:
- Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders
- Superintendent of 31 Division Tony Riviere
- Detective Sergeant Leah Gilfoy of the Community Response Unit
- Director of Investigation Services from Municipal Licensing and Standards, Mark Straga
- Municipal Licensing and Standards, By-Law Enforcement, John Decourcy
This informative meeting allowed the Chief to speak to many local residents in attendance about safety concerns and the importance of taking pro-active measures in order to prevent crimes in our neighbourhoods.
During the forum, Detective Sergeant Leah Gilfoy made a presentation with statistics that indicated that crime in Ward 7 is down and that our area is among the safest communities in the City of Toronto. However, there is always room for improvements in order to address the incidents of crime that still occur in our local neighbourhoods, hindering our quality of life.

Having an open line of communication with the Police Chief and the local community Police Divisions is paramount when dealing with crime prevention techniques and proactive enforcement measures. It is for these reasons that this meeting was a great success.
Residents were able to directly ask questions to the Chief and the Unit Commander of 31 Division about issues that personally affect their lives. This is important because your feedback helps the police to know which areas require special attention to prevent crime in our community. Prevention is key and any information that you may have to alert the police can be vital to the safety of you and your neighbours.
If you see any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime, do not hesitate to call the police (911 for Emergencies – (416)-808-3100 for Non-Emergency Dispatch).
I strongly believe that meetings such as this demonstrate how civic engagement can be a powerful tool to get things done in the community. This meeting was an example of how we’re here to listen and to learn from your opinions/experiences, and to see how we as a group can improve our neighbourhood together.
It is for this reason that I strongly encourage you to contact me to see how you can attend the local Police Community Partnerships Meetings (31 Division).
This community group meets once a month to discuss local concerns and it is a significant way in which we can continue this dialogue with the police and with one another.
Please let me reassure you that community safety is my top priority and that I will do everything in my power to ensure that you, your families, and neighbours are safe.
Ward 7 Councillor,
Giorgio Mammoliti