Dear Friends,
After extensive consultations with residents and the business community, where the overwhelming consensus was against the implementation of the Roof Tax, city staff are recommending against moving forward with it at this time.
As part of my campaign against the slew of new Tory Taxes, I encouraged residents to get active and let their elected officials know that they would not stand for new taxes like the Road Toll Tax and the Roof Tax.
Earlier this year, the Road Toll Tax got the axe, and now I trust that the Roof Tax will also be voted down at Council at the end of the month. And yes, I am patting myself on the back.
Someone has to stick up for the taxpayers at City Hall and it seems like I am the only one doing it.
The recommendation by staff against the Roof Tax is another victory for Toronto’s hardworking taxpayers.
The storm water charge was proposed to be “revenue neutral” but I expressed legitimate skepticism from the outset. When former Mayor David Miller brought in the new garbage and recycling bins, taxpayers were given a rebate so that both taxpayers and the city would remain cost neutral – given taxpayers were already paying the full cost of garbage pick-up through property taxes. Since then, the garbage fees have not been revenue neutral, as the city has collected to the tune of 20 million dollars more per year.
Suburban home owners were expected to be hit with $130 to $400 more per year because of the Roof Tax – this was totally unacceptable.
Playing a shell game with the livelihoods and economic vibrancy of residents, businesses and institutions is not acceptable. My constituents and other property owners across Toronto are what make our city a great place to work, live, or raise a family. Putting them at a structurally economic disadvantage will drive them out of this city.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact my office at 416-395-6401 or email me at:
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti Ward 7-York West