Councillor’s Corner
Dear Resident,
I want to thank many of you for coming to my Community Environment Day on Tuesday, May 17, at the Toryork Works Yard (49 Toryork Dr.). Many were able to gather compost for their gardens and planters. The next Community Environment Day is on Saturday, June 18, at Black Creek Pioneer Village from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you’d like more details, please contact my office.
I was happy to celebrate Earth Day at the Chalkfarm Park Cleanup event with local St. Andre Catholic School students. The energy from these bright, young environmentalists is always encouraging, and the entire Humber River - Black Creek Community is proud of their hard work. My recent tree-planting event with the TRCA was also a huge success. I want to thank our dedicated volunteers and community members who came out to plant over 100 trees at Rowntree Mills Park.
At the last council meeting, I put forth a motion calling for oversight and accountability within the utility cut process and it passed. Residents have shared that companies like Rogers and Bell leave wiring, unfinished projects, and poorly done work on properties. I called for a system to report these issues and establish an ongoing review process to ensure that work is done promptly. There must be a transparent escalation steps for customer complaints. For a link to the motion and a clip of my speech, please visit my website.

My team is continuing to lead pop-up events at local parks as part of my Mobile Office effort, and the most recent one was held at Lanyard Park. You’ll receive communication from me to know when and where these events are happening closest to you. I look forward to seeing you soon.
For regular news updates, please follow me on Facebook @AnthonyPerruzza, Twitter @PerruzzaTO, Instagram @Perruzza_TO, or subscribe to my regular e-newsletter online by visiting my website:
www.anthonyperruzza.comMore updates are coming about local developments and park upgrades. If you have questions about community initiatives or need access to City resources, contact my office at:
Or email:
Yours Truly,
City Councillor
Anthony Perruzza
Ward 7 – Humber River-Black Creek