Dear Friends,
I hope you have been enjoying the changing of the seasons in our beautiful community. Going into these colder months I’d like to take a moment to talk about our Toronto Police Services, specifically those who work hard to serve our community over at 31 Division.
Earlier this year, I had a meeting with 31 Division Unit Commander Superintendent Tony Riviere where we discussed what can be done to prevent the growth of criminal activity and to keep our community safe in the Northwest pocket of the city. I gave 31 Division my blessing to do what they need to do and to be as tough as they need to be in order to get the job done. I worked very closely in the past with 31 Division to ensure that all the illegal nightclubs and brothels in Ward 7 were shut down and our hard work is paying off. The 31 Division has many initiatives in place to help keep our community safe and it is evident by the low crime statistics in Ward 7 compared to neighboring Wards and compared to previous years. So far, in 2015 31 Division has kept our streets safe with lower incidences of theft over last year and no homicides.
While there have been shootings in isolated areas of the Ward, I, along with 31 Division believe these are the result of social stresses that we are constantly working towards alleviating within our community and are not indicative of the safety level of the Ward as a whole. Further, you may be aware of the trend of distraction thefts that were taking place in the Islington and Finch area. 31 Division has taken action with an internal initiative and as well they are asking that you, the community keep your eyes and ears open to help them stop these incidents. While we can count on 31 Division to “Serve and Protect” us, ultimately community safety is a responsibility that belongs to us all.
Ward 7 councillor,
Giorgio Mammoliti
“Views expressed in Councillor’s Corner are those of the Councillor and may not necessarily reflect those of the Emery village Voice or the BIA.”