Dear Friends,
As fall has arrived and winter is approaching, it is time to start thinking about your seasonal maintenance needs. I would like to shed some light on and share with you programs serving our area that could be of assistance to you and your family.
Four Seasons Connections, a division of Better Living Health and Community Services, is a non-profit outdoor home maintenance program that assists seniors 55+ as well as adults physically unable to do the work (and not living in a household where someone under 55 years of age resides who is physically able). It connects residents with community brokerage workers to provide outdoor services, such as lawn mowing, gardening, leaf raking, yard cleanup, eavestrough cleaning, window washing, snow and ice removal and odd jobs. Note, this is a fee for service program, where workers are recruited on a casual part-time basis; they are not hired directly by the program and are not professional landscapers. To apply or for more information on the program, call 416-447-5074 or visit www.betterlivinghealth.org/content/home-maintenance-and-repair-services. As the program has limited capacity, clients are asked to apply as soon as possible.
Do you know of someone with a passion to help seniors and others in need in our community and looking for extra work? This is a great way to help a neighbour in our community, earn valuable work experience and get paid for your work the same day. Checkout www.betterlivinghealth.org/content/four-seasons-connections-job
MANDTORY DOWNSPOUT DISCONNECTION - The end of August, the City of Toronto sent an unaddressed envelope ‘Important Information on the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection’ to 75,000 properties, along with a notice letter and a brochure to assist property owners to comply, including how to do it yourself and tips for hiring a contractor. Toronto City Council approved a bylaw applicable to all buildings, including industrial, institutional and commercial locations making it mandatory for all property owners to disconnect their downspouts from the sewer system. The program was implemented in three phases, from 2011 to 2016. The downspout disconnection deadline for the final Phase 3 is Dec. 3. Everyone benefits from downspout disconnection. Rainwater runs off a roof, flows through the eavestroughs and discharges either onto the property (if the downspout is already disconnected) or into a downspout that carries it directly into the sewer system. During heavy rainfall, if the downspout is connected, the sewers become overloaded, increasing the risk of basement flooding, roads washing out and the release of polluted rainwater into our local waterways. To help deal with the problem, the City made downspout disconnection mandatory, city-wide. Disconnecting your downspouts helps reduce the amount of stormwater sent through the sewer system. Less stormwater can help prevent wastewater from backing up and thus reduce your risk of basement flooding.
Using less water, keeping rainwater on your property and managing what and how much goes into our storm sewer system means you are protecting your home and the environment at the same time. One way to do this is to plant a water-efficient, natural garden. It is important to take action and comply with the bylaw by the deadline. More information can be obtained from the City of Toronto website at Toronto.ca/downspout or by calling 311. The City provides financial assistance to eligible, low income property owners for the costs associated with disconnecting downspouts. In cases where it is technically feasible to disconnect your downspout or where if would create a hazard, you can apply to the City for an exemption. To request an exemption form, or if you did not receive this package and want it mailed to you, please send an email with your name and mailing address to: ddp@toronto.ca. Or call the Downspout Disconnection Program at 416-392-1807. Should you require assistance completing the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Financial Assistance or Exemption form, please call my Constituency Office at 416-395-6401 and ask my Constituency Assistant to schedule a time to visit your house to assist you in filling out the form.
BE AWARE OF POTENTIALLY MISLEADING COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER SCAMS -Toronto Water has received reports that at least one independent contractor may be distributing potentially misleading communications (such as flyers and notices placed on doorknobs) that appear to be designed to look like they are communications from the City about its mandatory downspout disconnection program. The City is not sending out any mass communications, such as flyers or door knockers entitled ‘Notice’ or ‘Final Notice’ to residents about mandatory downspout disconnection. Another scam circulating involves telephone calls from individuals pretending to be from Canada Revenue Agency demanding payment for outstanding taxes. Reputable Government Agencies most likley would contact you by mail so be very suspicions of anyone demanding payment by phone.
I look forward to keeping connected with you. Watch for notices, checkout my newsletters, and visit my website www.GiorgioMammoliti.ca for more info and updates as they become available.
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti
Ward 7 York West