Dear Friends,
As you know, the Province of Ontario is continuing down a path toward building a Light Rapid Transit line along Finch Ave West, despite the objections from our community. Although rapid transit is needed in Ward 7, what needs to be built instead is underground rail transportation that would eliminate the ongoing disruptive operations associated with above ground transit – such as the loss of surface road space and confusing traffic configurations.
York West residents, the Emery BIA and the City of Toronto have invested millions of dollars to reclaim our area for the enjoyment of the Ward 7 community. Residents and local businesses have worked extremely hard to revitalize this area which has led to residents rediscovering the wonderful eateries and shopping establishments within Ward 7. Although it is the Province who has the authority to approve an LRT, our community should have the right to receive fair compensation to help mitigate the negative and harmful effects an LRT brings to the revitalization of our area. I believe the Ontario Government should properly fund design changes and other measures to help mitigate the negative aspects an LRT brings, and I will not rest until that commitment is adopted at the provincial level. It is not fair that an LRT should be forced upon us without the government making necessary investments to ensure that the gains which we have made toward the betterment of our neighbourhood will be protected. We cannot allow our community to be ignored and I will continue to fight for our fair share of compensation until the provincial government agrees to accommodate our demands.
However, I cannot achieve this commitment alone. I need your assistance and voice to help implement our community action plan (for complete details please check my website: www.giorgiomammoliti.ca) to demand that the provincial government respect our rights. Your active participation is crucial if we are to be successful. I need you to write letters in support of our plan to get compensation for the protection of our community. Please mail, email, fax your letter to me, or drop it off to my constituency office located at 2930 Islington Ave. For your convenience, I have also created an online petition as well which can be found on my website: giorgiomammoliti.ca
Please do not delay. By working together, we will succeed in our demand to have the provincial government make the proper investment in our community to help offset the negative impacts that will be created by an LRT. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact my office at 416-395-6401 or by email at: councillor_mammoliti@toronto.ca
Giorgio Mammoliti
Toronto City Councillor
York West- Ward 7