The Movies in the Park are quickly becoming a summer tradition in Emery Village.
Gaining considerable momentum from last year, more than 700 people attended the first Movie in the Park on June 26th at Joseph Bannon Park to watch “The BoxTrolls” movie.
Our second Movie in the Park unfortunately encountered a rain delay on July 17th but went off without a hitch on the 18th pleasing everyone with the showing of a very recently released movie, “Home”.
With snacks flowing from the concession booth and so many people under the inflatable big screen, it was a magical night.
Then someone yelled out of the concession window, “Keep making more popcorn!”
Four hundred and fifty bags of popcorn and 400 hotdogs were sold, not to mention all those freezies.
Special thanks go out to Tony D’Aversa, Chair of the Emery Village BIA Marketing Committee, for arranging the donation of hundreds of new books that were distributed to local community members at Joseph Bannon Park preceding the movie.
“Reading to our children and having our children read on their own is one of the most important elements one can possess for continued learning and enjoying greater success in life.
“Read on,” D’Aversa said.
The Emery Village BIA wants to thank everyone for attending both of their events. Many of our community members stayed around after the movies to help us clean up, it was much appreciated.
Sandra Farina, Executive Director of the BIA said, “Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.”