Good day.
It’s December and the end of the year. So, what is the best good news I could give you?
Imagine… we are all just floating on a ball, spinning and circling a bigger ball of fire, tied to a gravitational yo-yo, with a moon the size of an ocean tied to another spinning through space at 1,000s of km per hour, 24/7/365. And we are all still standing… walking… ALIVE. On a fragile planet.
Now, zoom in… down to Earth. Is that a huge Christmas tree? OH! The CN Tower! All green lights! See 1,000s of people gathered at Toronto’s Metro Convention Center for Canada’s largest gathering of natural health, medicine and clean, green living people, spiritually grounded in a shared respect for and appreciation of this Earth.
I had the privilege to be there as part of the inner core team who helped make the show a success 28 years running.
I was there to help a friend who gave birth to Canada’s primary source and voice for the holistic community. To make the wholelifeexpo.ca at the MTCC their big yearly event. Thanks to Julia@vitalitymagazine.com
Something strange happened there… Magic. I met many good people. Some amazing. One of these good folks had the voice of an angel. Filled with compassion, love and joy for being alive.
I watched her speak, listened to her over the span of the event. My eyes close to hear her. I heard the voice of Christmas. That spirit we feel around Christmas time or when magic moments happen in our lives.
While wandering among the exhibitors, speakers and 1000s of good people gathered together to learn about Organic lifestyles, I heard that voice again, in many more if not all the people there. A peaceful, blissful, good will to all.
A community on the same wavelength. One amazing woman gave birth to it all. She gave them a voice, vitalitymagazine.com and one big event, the wholelifeexpo.ca.
Now, zoom. Imagine us here in our smaller community. Emery village, top corner of Toronto. Global villagers all. Still amazingly, spinning in outer space on a ball. From many countries, cultures, traditions, languages, all in Canada.
now! See us gathering together at a unique place, to share time, space… good food and fun for all ages, Friends! Families! We talk, we sing a few songs, listen to other’s singing and we here the voice of Christmas. We feel a raised sense of community spirit! There is an evergreen tree there, lit up in a gentle snow. The feeling is of joy, peace, and harmony! Welcome… to the first annual Emery Village Voice of Christmas event! Imagine being a part of a live stage play! Filmed! Join us in creating a great annual, local, community spirit event! Artists, musicians, singers, choirs, anyone who wants to help and be involved, please contact sean@emeryvillagevoice.ca. We have a year to create a miracle… magic! The Voice of Christmas! A community of diverse languages, cultures, that seldom meet or mingle, brought together in the Spirit of Harmony. I look forward to… and hear the voice, voices in harmony already! See us, join us, be there! Let’s create magic.
Now, what is clean and green and seems to have a kind of Christmas spirit all year round? Holy expo! An evergreen tree! A Christmas tradition here in Canada, that any one with a heart can appreciate. So if you want a bit of Christmas spirit in your home or business, real scented trees, spruce, pine or fir, can be found locally or take the family to a tree farm for an adventure. Remember 311? I called…great service! Free to recycle those magic little green trees in our area, are the weeks of January 12th and 26th, 2015. Thanks to Anita!
Now to zoom in on the microcosm. Imagine… You wake up… a little girl or a boy in my case… Christmas Morning. A stocking full of fresh fruits, sweets, treats to play with, wear or eat. Then to the Christmas tree. Sparkling in tinsel…lights! Gifts piled under, around where everyone gathers. We share these gifts with each other. in the spirit of love! The glue that keeps families, communities, small and globally big ones together and maybe… that’s what keeps this celestial body we are on alive and in sync, on the same wavelength, as the other yo-yo’s out there, so we don’t just happened to collide. In the good words of a holistic, wise woman echoed here, now! Enjoy the wild ride…
Thank you Mom and Dad! You made me…a happy child! Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Felice Navidad! Hannukah! Kwanzaa! May the coming year be your best year ever! Ciao for now!