By Ron Lazzer
Wow. This must have been one of the most delightful February's in recent memory. During our recent warm spell people were out in t-shirts and shorts. That’s what we call true Canadians. Did you notice the difference? Did you appreciate the sunshine? Wasn’t it so nice after all those cold gray days. Doesn’t it make you eager for the permanent warm weather and all the fun things that are headed our way this coming year?
Friends, let’s talk about making the most of our time. Life is short so let’s enjoy it. What are you going to do this year that is new and exciting? Are you going to come home from work or school and head straight inside to watch TV or play video games?
Don’t hide indoors this year. Get out there and enjoy the warm sunshine and fresh air. Meet your local neighbours and make new friends. Your mood will be better, your health will improve, your spirit will soar.
This past year alot of things happened in our community and hopefully you were part of them in some way. If not, make a commitment this year to get involved in your community events.
One of the most memorable events of the past year was the Emery Village Movie in the Park. Popcorn and a movie with 800 of your closest friends and neighbours in the great outdoors. Now that’s living!
Some of the other wonderful things I’ve seen or been a part of in the outdoors over the past year included cycling along the Humber River, running, basketball, tennis, and relaxing walks through Rowntree Mills Park. The coyote was a little unsettling though. I saw people photographing nature, I saw children playing frisbee, soccer, and tag. Adults were playing various sports, having picnics, and playing cards on a picnic table. I saw seniors reading books, talking and maybe even complaining about the government, but just a little. So many people were outside enjoying themselves. It was wonderful to see.
So let’s make a commitment to get outside more often this season. Here’s my idea: make a list of five things you would like to do outside with your family and friends. Cross off the two least likely to happen and commit to making the remaining three come true at some point this season. Don’t wait for the warm weather to be here. Plan it now so you won’t be distracted by life when it happens. Everybody is busy these days; if we don’t plan our outdoor activities life will pass us by. There will be plenty of opportunity for spontaneous events. Just make sure you have three ideas that you’re excited about.
Let’s get outside in the fresh air and bright sunlight with people who matter to us and reconnect with ourselves and nature. Last summer was great but let’s make this summer even better. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you out there. Get ready now. The warm weather is coming.
Ron Lazzer is the owner of Bellevue Landscaping. If you have any questions or comments please email them to: Ron@BellevueLandscaping.ca