Since 2010, the Emery Village Business Improvement Area Environmental Committee has made significant progress in educating its membership on current environmental best practice initiatives endorsed by the municipality, the Province, and the federal government.
Representatives from the City of Toronto, as well as the Ministry of the Environment, were invited to present at three information seminars held throughout the year regarding Waste Audits (Regulations 102/103), the Backflow Prevention Program, the Yellow Bag Program, Noise Reduction and Certificates of Approval, and the newly implemented ChemTRAC initiative. Additionally, a survey was distributed throughout the membership in an effort to collect information regarding current recycling trends. We encourage you to fill out a copy of the survey and return it to the Emery Village BIA office as soon as possible. Please note that the contents of the survey are confidential and will not be viewed by persons other than EVBIA staff. Your response will help the Environmental Committee identify appropriate waste reduction protocols for the membership.
This year, the Environmental Committee has implemented effective strategies to address its mandate, which is to educate and support the EVBIA business members in their waste reduction, recycling and energy conservation efforts, as well as encourage the pursuit of environmentally friendly business practices.
The Environmental Committee will continue to adhere to that mandate, but it will also seek out strategies that fulfill the changing needs. of the business membership.
If you are interested in joining the Environmental Committee, please feel free to contact the BIA office at (416) 744-7242 or e-mail christina@ emeryvillagebia.ca.